Free Paper Chessblocks Set With Any Size You Want
These free printable paper models and Geogram Mini-sets are the creation of Robert S. Ake. Thanks to Bob for his energy and tireless work on paper chessblocks design as well as many aspects of the website and constant encouragement.
This will keep you busy for a while – Patience is needed
For the cost of paper and ink, you can start building you own 3” mega-blocks in 3D. The configurations are endless and so is the fun and fascination of creating functional art with paper. For best results we suggest smooth, heavy card stock, 8-1/2 x 11”–110Lb paper. To start, click on the following images, print them out and go nuts with them. Write me if you need help figuring out these space shuttle schematics.
- Paper Chess Set
- Gon or Pawn
- Rook or Cube
- Bishop Or Tangle
- Knight or Rangle
- Queen1 or Star1
- Queen2 or Star2
- King or Cross
- Paper Chessblocks